Based on the SoconOne platform, we provide businesses with the benefits of a customized timecard and scheduling system at prices comparable to generic off the shelf applications. From custom forms and reports to special functions and features, we deliver a customized system that is a perfect fit for your business model, process flow and management.
A powerful and scalable platform combined with an extensive set of functions and means that you are already starting with the one of the best timecard and scheduling systems on the market. A system designed to deliver accurate tamper proof labor hour records, centralize employee data, streamline scheduling and resource allocation, automate payroll and reduce paperwork and data entry.
Key Functions and Features
Dashboard: Provides a quick overview of all jobs, job and employees locations map, active and inactive employees as well current active timecards.
Scheduling: Versatile scheduling system provides an overview of schedules and allows for easy scheduling by employee or project. Also manages availability and vacations.
Employee: Manages employee profile information, positions and rates, emergency contact, tickets and licenses, timecard records, payroll, OT, evaluations, files and more.
Timecard: Accurate timecard scans including GPS/GEO fence verification along with additional features such as schedule, expenses, tools, emergency contacts and more.
Reports: Generates real time employee hours and payrolls reports by employee, project and date range. Summary or detailed report information options.
Administrations: Manage employee user accounts, user permission levels, job positions, shifts, OT standards, files and image storage configuration and more.

- Real Time Updates and Tracking
- Reactive To All Devices and Screens
- Active and Inactive Jobs
- Active and Inactive Employees
- Job Locations Map
- Employee Locations Map
- Current Timecards
- Customizable

Employee Management
- Employee Profile
- Positions and Rates
- Tickets, Licenses and Certifications
- Timecard Records
- Payroll Records
- Banked OT Hours
- Vacation/Time Off
- Employee Evaluation
- Files and Images
- ID Card Generator
- Crew Assignment
- Custom Fields
- Custom Functions

Timecard Records
- Date
- Project
- Location
- Supervisor
- Employee
- Position
- Work Description
- Timecard Logs
- Expenses and Mileage
- Notes and Comments
- GPS Coordinates Stamp
- Custom Fields and Rules

Project Overview
- Project Name
- Project Description
- Supervisor
- Location (Long./Lat.)
- GPS GEO Fence
- Start/End Date
- Associated Records
- Custom Fields
- Custom Functions

Employee Scheduling
- Day, Week, Month View
- Employee and Project View
- Calendar or List View
- Schedule by Employee, Project or Date
- Employee Availability
- Vacation/Time Off Request and Approval
- Custom Fields
- Custom Functions

Records and Reports
- By Date, Project, Employee
- Hours Report
- Payroll Report
- Project Report
- Data Exports
- Custom Reports

Employee App
- Time In/Out
- Break Time Tracking
- Expense Claims
- Mileage Submission
- Image/File Upload
- GPS Time Stamp
- GEO Fence Verification
- Work Schedule
- Company Notifications
- Emergency/Supervisor Contact
- Custom Fields
- Custom Functions

Supervisor App
- Employee Functions
- Scan In/Scan Out
- Timecard Verification
- Employee Checklist
- Manual Timecard
- Work Schedule
- Expense Claim Approvals
- Toolbox Assignment
- Company Notifications
- Files and Images
- Emergency Contact
- Custom Fields
- Custom Functions